United Way Community Hubs Hold ERA Youth Workshops

By electronic recycling association June 27, 2019

ERA and United Way of Calgary has partnered up to host Parts to PC workshops throughout the city. These youth workshops will take place at United Way Community Hubs. The Community Hubs initiative is a partnership between United Way of Calgary and Area, The City of Calgary, and Rotary Club of Calgary, Downtown, and other Rotary Clubs in Calgary.

The workshop will cater to children between the ages of 12 and 15. Parts to PC will give you hands-on experience taking apart and reassembling a computer. You will also learn about what all of the pieces inside of a computer do and how to install them. The best part is there is no cost to participate!

Currently, this program will occur on July 31st at the Bowness Community Association and on August 27th at the Genesis Center.


Parts to PC Workshop at Bowness Community Association – July 31st, 2019 

Time: 6.30 pm— 8.30 pm
Address: Bowness Community Association -7904 43rd Ave NW, Calgary, Alberta

Parts to PC Workshop at Genesis Center – August 27, 2019 

Time: 4.00 pm— 6.00 pm
Address: 1000 Voices hub at the Genesis Centre, 7556 Falconridge Blvd NE, Calgary, Alberta

If you would like to hold a youth workshop at your venue, please contact [email protected] or click here for more information.