North Saskatchewan Independent Living Centre Receives Technology

By electronic recycling association November 8, 2019

North Saskatchewan Independent Living Centre (NSILC) is a small, but an impactful organization in Saskatoon. They work towards promoting a new perspective on disability and enhancing the independence of people with disabilities. They try to accomplish a lot on a small budget so donations like the computer we donated to them. This computer will make a huge difference in the quality of support they’re able to provide to their consumers.

This computer was given to their Employment Services Coordinator who helps individuals with disabilities find employment. They now have her old computer set-up for use by their consumers. Speaking with the Program and Development Manager, Ebonie Becker she said, “It’s really helpful having the extra computer so consumes can drop by and use it for things like researching their business ideas for our Entrepreneurs with Disabilities program, job-searching, etc. We want to extend a sincere thank you to ERA for their donation, and all the great work they do supporting non-profits like ours through their donation program.”

If you would like to learn more about North Saskatchewan Independent Living Centre, please check out their website here.